How To Accommodate Your ESA Dog?

Dogs are amazing partners and sharing living space with them is an awesome experience. But what if you live in a small-sized apartment? Well, your emotional support dog needs to be with you and you should not worry about his housing as this article has come up with cool accommodation ideas for your canine. 


As you know that many residential housing schemes have no-pet policies but under the FHA (Fair Housing Act), your ESA will be permitted to dwell with you when you present an emotional support dog letter or an ESA letter. This letter explains your disability and states that your emotional support animal is necessary for your treatment. 



Before taking your little furry home, make sure that you have done all the necessary arrangements such as you should have his food, cleaning accessories, and a dog house. Mostly dogs manage their living outside the home like in a backyard or lawn but if you don’t have these areas then you need to make a space for your dog in your apartment. 


We understand that dog’s houses come in quite expensive rates, though they seem literally simple and do not worth that much amount. If you want to save your money and want to do something special for your emotional support dog then making him home is a great idea. 


It will also help you to calm your mind and reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Creative work heels the mind and soul. So, get ready to do something influencing and read on to get some amazing ideas for handcrafted dog house. Once you see a doctor then he/she will decide whether you qualify for the emotional support dog letter or not. 


Here is the list of tools and items that you’ll be needed to make a dog house.  


  1. A ruler or scale (to measure the length)
  2. Saw
  3. Hammer
  4. Paint
  5. Nails
  6. Paint Brush
  7. Glu
  8. Square Wooden Board
  9. Paint Brush


You should keep in mind that the base or floor of the house should be wide enough so that your dog can easily sit and sleeps on it. The floor has to be far enough above the ground so it could prevent water from entering in the rainy days and help your dog to avert cold ground in the winters. 


Think a while about your dog’s habits and styles. Try to make the house that suits his comfort. And your house should be according to the size of your dog. Do you also want an ESA letter for your pet? 


After completing your DIY project, you should check that all the nails are neatly driven and there is nothing in the house that could harm your dog. 


# Plan 1

You can use your bench to make a dog house. Take wooden boards and cover the legs of the bench to make walls. Make sure that nails are accurately driven. Use wooden sticks to raise your floor above the ground. You can decorate it as per your wish.


# Plan 2

Take a crate, you may find it in your storeroom or garden. Clean the crate and make the sharp edges smooth. Make a wooden floor and then cut one side of the crate and fix the rest on the wooden board. Find some extra pillow and put it on the floor. Paint the crate and put a rope light in it. Make a curtain and fix it on the front door. The house is all set.


# Plan 3

Some people love to have a dog’s houses in their bedrooms. Take two wooden boards and join them from one side. Make a triangle camp on the floor. Cover the floor with some soft fabric and put the rope lights in the house. You need to take simple steps to order your ESA Letter online.


# Plan 4

Take a wooden board and set it as floor. Take 3 more wooden boards and make 3 sides of the walls. Use some wooden sticks and make a triangle roof. Use some sticks to make a gate and you’re all done.   





Useful Resources:



Tips-How To Handle ESA Dog Problems?

When Do Someone Need An Emotional Support Animal?

5 Tips- How To Ask Your Doctor For A Legitimate ESA Letter?

Cleaning Tips For Your Emotional Support Cat

Is It Possible To Register Your Dog As An ESA Online?